pmnull: Syslog Null Parser Module

Author: Pascal Withopf <>

When a message is received it is tried to match a set of parsers to get properties populated. This parser module sets all attributes to “” but rawmsg. It is used as a performance improvment since there are no CPU cycles wasted on parsing the message.

Parser Parameters

tag <string>

Default: Empty (“”)

This setting sets the tag value to the message.

syslogfacility <int>

Default: 1

This setting sets the syslog facility value. The default comes from the rfc3164 standard.

syslogseverity <int>

Default: 5

This setting sets the syslog severity value. The default comes from the rfc3164 standard.


In this example messages are received through imtcp on port 13514. The ruleset uses the parser pmnull which has the parameters tag, syslogfacility and syslogseverity given.


input(type="imtcp" port="13514" ruleset="ruleset")
parser(name="custom.pmnull" type="pmnull" tag="mytag" syslogfacility="3"

ruleset(name="ruleset" parser=["custom.pmnull", "rsyslog.pmnull"]) {
      action(type="omfile" file="rsyslog.out.log")

In this example the ruleset uses the parser pmnull with the default parameters because no specifics were given.


input(type="imtcp" port="13514" ruleset="ruleset")
parser(name="custom.pmnull" type="pmnull")

ruleset(name="ruleset" parser="custom.pmnull") {
      action(type="omfile" file="rsyslog.out.log")