How you can HelpΒΆ
You like rsyslog and would like to lend us a helping hand? This page tells you how easy it is to help a little bit. You can contribute to the project even with a single mouse click! If you could pick a single item from the wish list, that would be awfully helpful!
This is our wish list:
- let others know how great rsyslog is
- spread word about rsyslog in forums and newsgroups
- place a link to from your home page
- let us know about rsyslog - we are eager for feedback
- tell us what you like and what you not like - so that we can include that into development
- tell us what you use rsyslog for - especially if you have high traffic volume or an otherwise “uncommon” deployment. We are looking for case studies and experience how rsyslog performs in unusual scenarios.
- allow us to post your thoughts and experiences as a “user story” on the web site (so far, none are there ;))
- if you know how to create packages (rpm, deb, ...)
- we would very much appreciate your help with package creation. We know that it is important to have good binary packages for a product to spread widely. Yet, we do not have the knowledge to do it all ourselves. Drop Rainer a noteif you could help us out.
- if you have configured a device for sending syslog data, and that device is not in our syslog configuration database, you might want to tell us how to configure it.
- if you are a corporate user
- you might consider Adiscon‘s commercial MonitorWare products for Windows, e.g. to deliver Windows Event Log data to rsyslogd (sales of the commercial products funds the open source development - and they also work very well).
- you might be interested in purchasing professional support or add-on development for rsyslog
We appreciate your help very much. A big thank you for anything you might do!